Challenges and solutions


How to organize the incoming data-stream that was scattered and unorganized?


We performed several updates for data segmentation, established new incoming data-streams, and consulted with implementation.


How to account for the new European commission recommendation on individual area market power assessment?


We performed consultations and established the proper methodology for geographical segmentation.


How to determine leading products that affect the competition on the market?


We performed consultations and established various geographical analysis systems.

Extended project description

The project was part of a public tender and was comprised of a complex set of elements or phases. The first set included performing geographical analysis and consultations on their methodology, and work with geospatial databases such as data collection, data processing, and data quality checks.
The second set elements of elements were upgrade and development of the current geospatial data system, geographical segmentation, and geospatial data system optimization, which is comprised of vas data arrays.
The thirds set of elements covered data security. It included establishing the proper safety of geospatial data system, consultations for safe data handling and processing, and identifying safety deficiencies.
The last set of elements was establishing and developing solutions to display the data and analysis in specific dynamic dashboards, datasheets, and reports.

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The length of existing telecommunication lines in areas within a 1 km radius of concentration points - to calculate the cumulative line length of accessible network
Optimal route calculations between concentration point locations and local connection points on the grid

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